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Highcharts サンプル


折れ線グラフ (Line charts)

  1. 基本形 (Basic line) ※データラベル無し
  2. Ajax loaded data, clickable points
  3. 基本形+データラベル付き (With data labels)
  4. Time series, zoomable
  5. Spline with inverted axes
  6. Spline with symbols
  7. Spline with plot bands
  8. Time data with irregular intervals
  9. 片対数グラフ (Logarithmic axis)

面グラフ (Area charts)

  1. Basic area
  2. Area with negative values
  3. Stacked area
  4. Percentage area
  5. Area with missing points
  6. Inverted axes
  7. Area-spline
  8. Area range
  9. Area range and line
  10. Sparkline charts

Column and bar charts(棒グラフ)

  1. 横棒グラフ基本形 (Basic bar)
  2. 積み上げ横棒グラフ (Stacked bar)
  3. Bar with negative stack
  4. 縦棒グラフ基本形 (Basic column)
  5. Column with negative values
  6. Stacked column
  7. Stacked and grouped column
  8. Stacked percentage column
  9. Column with rotated labels
  10. Column with drilldown
  11. Fixed placement columns
  12. Data defined in a HTML table
  13. Column range

円グラフ (Pie charts)

  1. Pie chart
  2. Pie with legend
  3. Donut chart
  4. Semi circle donut
  5. Pie with drilldown
  6. Pie with gradient fill
  7. Pie with monochrome fill

散布図とバブルチャート (Scatter and bubble charts)

Dynamic charts

  1. Spline updating each second
  2. Click to add a point
  3. Master-detail chart
  4. Update options after render
  5. Responsive chart


  1. Synchronized charts
  2. Column, line and pie
  3. 2軸と複合グラフ (Dual axes, line and column)
  4. Multiple axes
  5. Histogram(ヒストグラム)
  6. 回帰直線付きの散布図 (Scatter with regression line)
  7. Meteogram
  8. Advanced timeline

3D charts(3Dグラフ)

  1. 3D column
  2. 3D column with null and 0 values
  3. 3D column with stacking and grouping
  4. 3D pie
  5. 3D donut
  6. 3D scatter chart


  1. Angular gauge
  2. Solid gauge
  3. Activity gauge
  4. Clock
  5. Gauge with dual axes
  6. VU meter

Heat and tree maps

Heat map は Google Chrome ならびに Mozilla Firefox では見られませんでした。

More chart types

  1. Polar chart
  2. Spiderweb
  3. Wind rose
  4. 箱ひげ図 (Box plot)
  5. Error bar
  6. Waterfall
  7. Funnel chart
  8. Pyramid chart
  9. Polygon series
  10. General drawing


【石田修二研究室】  【実験室】

Last modified: 2016-11-23 11:27:20