石田修二ホームページ > 英語の勉強 > H4 >    (サイト内検索

Unit 22


1. 助言や提案をする

Why don't you ...? や Maybe you should ... を使って,人に助言や提案をすることができる。後には動詞の原形を置く。

I want to buy something for my sister's birthday.

Why don't you buy her gloves?

I'm so tired.

Maybe you should go home early.

2. 他の提案をする

How about ...? でも,人に何かをするよう提案することができます。後には動詞 -ing 形を置きます。

I'm so tired.

Maybe you should go home early.

Well ... I have to work overtime.

How about taking a short break, then?


  1. I want to do something fun this weekend.
    → Why don't you go horseback riding?
  2. I can't get up early.
    → Maybe you should set two alarms.
  3. I had a fight with my wife.
    Why don't you buy some cakes and say sorry?
  4. I'm nervous about tomorrow's presentation.
    Maybe you should practice again with someone.
  5. I want to buy a nice suit.
    Why don't you go to Men in Style





【英語の勉強】  【H4】

Last modified: 2014-10-23 11:12:00