石田修二ホームページ > 英語の勉強 > PW4 > (サイト内検索)
(1) David apologized to her for his rudeness.
「Unit 1 文型」のおさらい
I have to apologize to Sally for the delay in answering her email. (『PW4 Book A』2012年,p1)
(2) A kitten jumped onto the chair and lay there for a while.
「Unit 1 文型」のおさらい
私は lie を入れてしまった。
My dog jumped onto the couch and lay there for a while. (『PW4 Book A』2012年,p3)
(3) This computer will save you much time and labor.
(4) It is bad manners to eat soup noisily.
「Unit 2 名詞・代名詞」のおさらい
I think it is bad manners to put on make-up on a train. (『PW4 Book A』2012年,p9)
(5) Two-thirds of ours town was destroyed by that big earthquake.
「Unit 2 名詞・代名詞」のおさらい
of の後の名詞に合わせる。
(7) He refused to answer the question at the conference.
私は denied を入れてしまった。
(8) I'm considering changingmy major.
(9) It took me only a few days to get used to driving in this city.
「Unit 4 動名詞」のおさらい
(10) She is opposed to changing the plan.
「Unit 4 動名詞」のおさらい
(1)Tom は New York 支社に着くとすぐに営業部長と来年度の事業計画について話し合った。
As soon as Tom arrived at the New York branch, he talked with the sales manager about their operation plan for next year.
We consider buying a new car. But a friend of ours advise us to lease one.
It was careless of you to make such calculation errors. Don't forget/You should remember to double-check next time.
How careless you make calculation errors like this. Don't forget to review next time.
Last modified: 2014-09-13 10:51:01