石田修二ホームページ > 英語の勉強 > PW4 >    (サイト内検索

Review 1


1. 空所補充

(1) David apologized to her for his rudeness.

「Unit 1 文型」のおさらい

I have to apologize to Sally for the delay in answering her email. (『PW4 Book A』2012年,p1)

(2) A kitten jumped onto the chair and lay there for a while.

「Unit 1 文型」のおさらい

私は lie を入れてしまった。

My dog jumped onto the couch and lay there for a while. (『PW4 Book A』2012年,p3)

(3) Ms. Williams decided to have her shop repainted in order to make it look better.

(4) It is bad manners to eat soup noisily.

「Unit 2 名詞・代名詞」のおさらい

I think it is bad manners to put on make-up on a train. (『PW4 Book A』2012年,p9)

(5) It was almost midnight when the meeting reached its end.

「Unit 2 名詞・代名詞」のおさらい

of の後の名詞に合わせる。

2. 英語にしましょう。


If you install a solar panel, it will save you twenty dollars a month on your electricy bill.

(2)赤ワインは肉によく合うといわれている。(go を使う)

It is said red wine goes well with meat.

(3)日本語とスペイン語が話せる Amy は Los Angeles でツアーガイドをしている。

Amy, who can speak Japanese and Spanish, works as a tour guide in Los Angeles. / (Being) able to speak both Japanese and Spanish, Amy works as a tour guide in Los Angeles.


Written in easy/plain/simple English, the book is read by a lot of students.


I would like to do volunteer work/participate in a volunteer program/take part in a volunteer program related to environmental conservation. Could/Can you tell me where I should go/where to go to get some information?


【英語の勉強】  【PW4】

Last modified: 2014-10-04 14:39:26