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■ Pre-Test

(2) The hotel which was built near the station accomodates about 500 guests.

accommodate [trasitive] 収容できる。
The ballroom can accomodate 400 people.

(3) The man whom Cathy married is a surgeon.

(10) He is lazy. That's why he cannot succeed.

先行詞 the reason が省略された形。

The government announced a hike in the tobacco tax. That's why he decided to give up smoking.

That's why Judy was absent from school yesterday.

(11) The sales of our best-selling car model are down this quarter, which will make it difficult to have a profitable year.

will make it difficult to have a profitable year の主語は,空所の前にある内容全体を指す。非制限用法の which は句・節・文の内容を先行詞として,「そしてそのことは」の意味になる。

No one wanted to go on the field trip, which disappointed the organizer.

Betty went shopping with her sister and didn't come homee till ten o'clock, which made her parents angry.

(12) I met a man who I thought was a doctor.

I thought は挿入で,who は was に続く。
The man sho I thought was a secretary turned out to be the company president.
Ahead of me I saw a woman who I thought was my aunt.
The boy who I thought was honest deceived me twice.

(1) Any person who parks here without permission will be fined.

park (Vi.) ; (一時)駐車する(Weblio

fine (Vt.) ; "to make someone pay money as a punishment" (Longman) ,「罰金を課する」。したがって、be fined で「罰金を課される」。
She was fined for speeding.

(2) The fiscal policy the government announced last week aims at stimulating consumption.

(3) This is the new business which he is considering investing in.

invest A in B ; A を B に投資する
He invested his money in stocks and bonds.

(4) I heard about the animal shelter through a friend whose pet dog was also adopted from there.

animal shelter; "a building where animals that have nowhere to live or that are in danger can stay and receive help"「動物保護施設」

adopt ; 引き取る、採用する

(5) Italy is a country which I've always wanted to visit.

(6) What impressed me most about Simon was his loyalty to his country.

(7) The man who I thought was a secretary turned out to be the company president.

I thought は挿入で、who は was に続く。
Ahead of me I saw a woman who I thought was my aunt.
The boy who I thought was honest deceived me twice.

(8) The government announced a hike in the tobacco tax. That's why he decided to give up smoking.

先行詞 the reason が省略された形。
That's why Judy was absent from school yesterday.

ここでの hike は "a large increase in prices, wages, taxes etc [= rise]" (Longman)「(給料・物価などの)引き上げ」の意味。

(9) This is the way how they persuaded the management to approve the proposal.

This is how my father fixed his old bicycle.

persuade someone to do;人を説き伏せて〜させる



■ Post-Test

解答&解説 2014年8月2日



(1) Janet is an honest person. She couldn't have lied to you.

(2) He has disappointed me a few times. You had better not expect too much from him.

(3) He asked his daughter what happened, but she wouldn't tell him.

(4) He couldn't get a plane ticket. He should have booked the flight in advance.

in advance ; 前もって

(5) He was with his client in the meeting room then, so you can't have seen him in the lobby.

他の選択肢 can't see / must have seen / shouldn't see はすべて時制が現在であり、ここでは不適。過去の時制になっていなければならない。

(6) A: Please don't tell anyone what I've just told you. It's between you and me.
B: Don't worry. I won't tell anyone else.

between you and me;ここだけの話だが、内密に

(7) A: Do you know what happened to Jane? She was supposed to be here this morning.
B: Her son suddenly ran a fever, so she had to take him to the hospital.

(8) There used to be a lot of shops on this shopping street, but most of them are closed now.

would を入れたくなるところだが、後ろが be なので、ここはused to が入る。would の場合、後ろは動作動詞のみ。
I used to kill time in the library when I was young.
He would often invite me to dinner.

be used to 〜「〜に慣れている」との違いに注意。

(9) In spite of his leg injury, he was able to win his tennis match last week.

canとbe able toとの違いについては、Pre-Testの(3)参照。
We worked so hard that we were able to finish the work before the deadline.
The police were not able to keep back the crowd.
(警官隊は群衆を押さえておくことができなかった)be動詞が was ではなく were であることも注意。

in spite of;〜にもかかわらず[=despite](Weblio

(10) Your boss isn't going to change his attitude, so you might as well get used to it.

might as well ~;〜するほうがよいでしょう。
You might as well warn your son to be punctual.




What an elderly person living alone needs is care of his heart.

一人暮らしをする〈独居〉 live alone

誰もが金メダルを獲得すると思っていた Mike Johnson は第4位に終わった。

Mike Johnson, who everyone believe win the gold medal finished in the fourth.


A : I had to do some research for my assignment all day yesterday. I should have started earlier.
B : You must be tired. Have you finished it yet?
A : No, I haven't ; however, I think I will finish it tomorrow.

do research; 調べものをする(Weblio

「課題」は assignment でも task でもOk。

最後の部分、tomorrow の前に by をつける場合は、動詞が will have finished になる。


【石田修二】 【(Bookmark)語学辞書】